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13This is the real driver to any business to remain at the forefront of the industry. Innovation is a key measure for any business for expansion and sometime survival. We specialise in appraising businesses and looking for the ‘niche’ areas in order that they can gain the competitive edge in a challenging market place. Our expertise and knowledge has not only helped develop UK companies but also businesses around the world innovate with product development, growing and new processing techniques.

Innovation plays many roles with any company all with the ultimate aim of improving the profitability and market awareness of each business. Agritec International are committed to working closely with customers long term in order that the mutual aims and objectives are planned and carried through to ensure a return on the current investment. In 2008 Peter Gresty was awarded a ‘Nuffield Farming Scholarship’ which enabled him to study ‘Vegetable innovation and Processing’. On completion of his world study he has been able to assist many companies in achieving their goals in the ‘Value Added’ sector of the Fresh Produce Industry.

‘The only guaranteed way to predict the future is to create it’!












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